Redefining Personhood: The Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Equating AI with Humanity

access_time 1701199800000 face Lincy
Redefining Personhood: The Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Equating AI with Humanity In my opinion, conferring legal personhood to AI poses a significant conflict of interest when compared to the treatment of humankind, primarily because it challenges the foundational principles of human rights and et...

Gateway to Legal Excellence: NLSIU's 3-Year LLB Course and the NLSAT Exam

access_time 1701073020000 face Lincy
Gateway to Legal Excellence NLSIU's 3-Year LLB Course and the NLSAT Exam A Journey into the World of Premier Legal Education Hello, future legal eagles! As a teacher passionate about guiding students towards the zenith of legal education, I am thrilled to introduce you to the prestigious 3-Year LLB...