Democracy in Peril: Reflecting on Bangladesh’s Overthrow and India’s Independence Day

access_time 1723612440000 face Lincy
Democracy in Peril: Reflecting on Bangladesh’s Overthrow and India’s Independence Day "Democracy is fragile not because it is weak, but because it rests on the delicate balance of power and trust between the governed and those who govern." In a world where the promise of democracy often flickers li...

Should India have a child abduction emergency alert system?

access_time 2023-11-30T09:34:48.733Z face Lincy
Should India have a child abduction emergency alert system? Here is an article discussing a recent episode of child abduction in Kerala and how news journalists along with social media inadvertently acted as a child abduction emergency alert system. Click here to read Lincy A Bengaluru-based teacher...

Redefining Personhood: The Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Equating AI with Humanity

access_time 1701199800000 face Lincy
Redefining Personhood: The Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Equating AI with Humanity In my opinion, conferring legal personhood to AI poses a significant conflict of interest when compared to the treatment of humankind, primarily because it challenges the foundational principles of human rights and et...

Gateway to Legal Excellence: NLSIU's 3-Year LLB Course and the NLSAT Exam

access_time 1701073020000 face Lincy
Gateway to Legal Excellence NLSIU's 3-Year LLB Course and the NLSAT Exam A Journey into the World of Premier Legal Education Hello, future legal eagles! As a teacher passionate about guiding students towards the zenith of legal education, I am thrilled to introduce you to the prestigious 3-Year LLB...

How to crack the NLSAT exam?

access_time 1698816960000 face Lincy
How to crack the NLSAT exam? Learn about the NLSAT Syllabus and NLSAT Exam Pattern Cracking the NLSAT (National Law School Admission Test) requires a combination of disciplined preparation, understanding of the examination pattern, time management, and a thorough grasp of the subjects involved. NLSA...